
Yu Yu Hakashio and the Goddess of Death.

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There was a time if you asked me what I would do with the rest of my life. And I would have told you anything other than what I am about to share with you. I didn't expect people to die for me as a child or when I got older as an adult. There would people human and demon alike who would be willing to die for me. It wasn't in the card's or in the lines of my story should my mother, father, brother, and grandmother had lived. Strange to think of a goddess to be dead but she is. She died before her daughter aka my mother could have taken on the role and then later on myself would have taken on the role of the goddess of cats. But that is only just pieces and parts of the story to come. First I should tell you who I am beside the person just writing the start of this story. My name is Naku and I am known among the human's and demon's as the goddess of death. It has been my title since the day I was born and a touch from me made not only my father sick but my mother as well and anyone else I could have killed if I held on longer than I needed to. And before everyone gets up in arms about saying I killed my father and mother. Let me assure you all I wasn't the one to do it... It was my uncle who did all the slaying's and raping's from what I have gathered over the years of being alive.

I still remember the day my uncle attacked us. I was playing alone in the garden being watched by my grandmother who was visiting us. My grandmother was watching me trying to catch a butterfly that was playing let's tease the kitten. My grandmother heard the fighting and yelling as well as the screaming coming from the men and woman of our kingdom. She told me to stay close to her side as we made our way backward's towards the back exit of the garden. I remember my uncle coming into the garden with my crying mother who was covered in blood and wept for her. My mother opened her eyes and looked at me and in a slightly gravely voice tried to calm my fears. "It's okay Naku." My uncle looked at me and chuckled. "So she is the goddess of death. More like a scared little kitten who should die like her bastard father." I hissed at him still clutching my grandmother's clothes as I stay close to her. "Leave her be she is nothing more than a child and neither you or your brother are bastards I wouldn't have let my only daughter to mate with him." My uncle slapped my grandmother across her face. "Quiet Bast I am the one who is in control here."

I lost control there and launched my little kitten self right for his arm and left a huge deep gash in his arm. He went to hit me and my mother stepped in his way and she was hit so hard she died as soon as she hit the ground. Before anything else could happen Ra appeared and that was the first time I ever saw my great grandfather before. My grandmother turned and took her beloved necklace off and put it around my neck and kissed my cheek. "Run Naku I will find you later when it's safe." With that, I turned and ran out of the back exit of the garden. I ran to the family tree that dad said if anything ever happened we were to go there and wait for the rest of the family. And I sat there waiting in the tree for three days with my eyes watching my kingdom burn down to nothing. I left the tree and made my way towards a caravan that was passing through. They asked me what happened to the kingdom I told them some of what happened I lied about who I am but a kind person in the group let me stay with them. I was given a bit of food to eat while at night I cried myself to sleep thinking of my father, mother, grandmother, and great-grandfather wondering where the sun god was to leave his great granddaughter behind to walk this world alone.

I made my way in the world and it wasn't easy. I learned how to fight, how to take care of myself, and learned how to take on a human form and over time I stopped looking at the sun wanting my great-grandfather and the rest of my family. I was sixteen in human years when I found out my uncle was still alive so I trained harder. I knew one day I would end up in a fight with him and I would either kill him or die trying to do it. But years went by and the human world and demon world was divided and I remained in the human world knowing there was nothing left for me in the demon world. I lead a very quiet life in the human world and no one even after all the centuries I am alive seemed to notice or care that I never aged or die. I didn't think about it all that much until the day a group of fighters showed up outside of my home asking for someone I hadn't been known by in over 100 years or longer. I looked at Yusuke and his friend's and his wife with a rather blank look on why would they be asking for Naku the former goddess of death I invited them all in. "Can I get you some tea or something?"

Yusuke walked inside with his wife Keiko who looked like she was a week or so from giving birth. Following behind them with a short spiky black haired guy wearing a headband, a rather sexy looking red head guy or girl it was kind of hard to tell right then. There was also a guy with blondish brown hair walk in behind them all. "Keiko do you want some water?" Yusuke looked at his wife who shook her head. "We are hoping you can help us locate the tomb of Naku." Keiko said as she looked at the other woman. "We're sorry to come and ask you this Selene." Selene smiled softly as I look at them. "Naku or the goddess of Death's tome is nothing more than a hoax. It has been said that throughout time in my family and double checking for our self's. Besides what do you think you four are going to do with a tomb full of nothing but most likely dead bodies?" Yusuke chuckled softly. "Well there is more to the group but Keiko thought it was better to come here and ask with faces you knew." Selene laughed softly. "Thanks and is this about another trip you're going to take before the birth of your first child Yusuke?" She asked with a shake of her finger at him.

Kurama chuckled softly. "Don't chide him to bad about it. He and the rest of us are being forced to go deal with this um well problem in a fight." Selene's eyes turned and looked right into Kurama and like always they made him feel like she was hiding something behind her smiles and sweet talking words. "I don't remember that necklace where did you get it?" Selene reached up and gently touched it and smiled sadly. "It was my grandmother's it was the last thing she gave me before she died." Kurama had a strange look on his face. "Oh sorry." Selene smiled softly. "It's okay anyway who are spending all this money on trying to find a person who's long since dead." She asked as she stood up and went to the cooler and pulled out a couple bottles of water. "Katu or that is what this guy is calling himself." Selene almost dropped the bottles of water when she had the strangest feeling she knew who this Katu really was and she wasn't happy about it. She caught herself and smiled softly "Sorry they slipped slightly." She said as she offered Keiko one and took the other one as she sat down and opened it for herself. "The truth is Naku transferred herself into a human host and into their bloodlines throughout the times. The whole tomb thing was to keep people from finding out what happened to her."

Keiko took sip's of the water before she spoke. "Do you think you can get them to meet with us?" Selene smiled softly. "You already are speaking to one. I have training in fighting if its one of those things." Yusuke looked at Selene. "You know it could end your life I am only letting you know so don't feel like you have to do this we would all lie about all of this." Selene turned and looked at the photo of her old self back when she was in her early twenty's and thought back mentally to her old sword promise about her mother, father, and grandmother. She wanted to know what happened to Ra after all of this was over with it was about damn time she knew what happened to them all. "I know and Naku swore an oath to kill the person who took away her happy family." She turned and looked them. "If I am right then the one who took them might have found a way to live and will be there themselves." Hiei watched her with a tilt of his head but he didn't say anything not even as everyone got up and left the house. They were in the car when Hiei finally spoke up. "She's not telling us something." Keiko looked at him. "Maybe she isn't as a skilled fighter as she says. Or what Koenma was able to find out on Naku wasn't all right. We just don't know what it all is. But Boton and I both know Selene since she moved here from New York." Hiei huffed as they all drove away from this house. None of them noticed that Selene was watching them from the window with a look of dread on her face.

They didn't see Selene until four months later when the fighters gathered at the docks. Yusuke rubbed the back of his neck before he yawned and got a chuckle from Kurama. "You don't have a four-month-old at home Kurama." Kurama smirked softly. "True though is Keiko bring your son here or keeping him away?" Yusuke sighed softly. "No Keiko, Botan, my mother, Shizuru, and Yukina are going to bring him though he does almost make a spitting image for Koenma." That got a chuckle out of everyone even Jin who was floating there near them. His ears twitched slightly "I hear someone coming or something." Selene walked out of the forest with a trunk behind her as she looked at a group of guys and smiled at them. "Hello." Everyone turned and looked at her. "Hiei wasn't thinking you would show up." Kurama said with a chuckle as Hiei huffed about it. Selene giggled softly. "He's a cranky midget." She said with a laugh as he turned and glared at her. She bent her head and kissed his cheek. "Sorry, a little person." She said laughing as she looked at them. "Are you guys going to tell me who you all are?" She almost as she soon as she said that she felt sorry for it. Their names seemed to be rushed at her until he spoke up and sounded like a very high leprechaun and she felt something she hadn't felt in a very very long time. "I'm Jin." He said with a smile before the boat show up and they boarded. This was her fate she was going to finally after thousands of years get her revenge or die trying to get them what all their souls have cried out to her for her uncle's death.

Selene stood at the edge of the ship where she has been since they left port when a member from the other team walked up to her and placed their hand on her. Before anyone on her team could react she took a hold of his hand and had it bent out of shape. "Kneel before your better." She said simply her power level never in that whole moment went anywhere above a normal human level. "I will not kneel before a human." Selene put more pressure on the man's hand as she simply said one thing this time. "Kneel." He finally knelt down before her and she shoved him away from her. "Better." She said simply before she turned and walked away from him and pass her team. Some had a bit of fear in their eyes that they tried to hide from her. But Jin had this goofy grin on his face as he said simply. "Wow what a woman." They all looked at him funny as no one from anyone's team messed with Selene the rest of the boat trip over to the island where either Selene was going to come away from this alive or dead but most likely they might end up knowing who Selene really is and that fact scared her to her core. As it would anyone if they were the grandchild of Bast or any other god or goddess out there. Nothing else had happened for the rest of the trip it was the rest of the demon's on the ship seemed to be scared of her. Though Yusuke seemed to be smirking even watching Jin's goofy smile still lay on his lip's.

When they got onto the island everyone headed up to their room's. The guys were staying in one room. While the girls and Yusuke's son would be staying in another room.That way to protect the girls or that was more Keiko's idea since they had a girl on their team fighting. "I'm cool with that besides I don't know you guys all that well for that." She said with a smile as she noticed that some of the guys in the group were blushing for that and she got giggled over this. "When does everything start?" She asked looking at Yusuke who handed over his son to his wife and was looking for the folder that was given to them once they got there. He flipped it open and threw it. "Seems like it starts shortly after breakfast about an hour after it." He said simply as Selene walked into the girl's room and headed towards one of the empty bed's and placed her trunk at the foot of the bed and she laid down on it. Botan and Yukina came in a short while later. "The guys want to know if you want anything we're going to see what there is about food right now?" Selene mentally sighed before she looked at them. "I might be along later." She said simply before the other two girls nodded their heads and quietly left the room. Selene was left alone with her thoughts and the feeling that her uncle was in the building and she quietly wondered if he could feel her as she did him.

Selene fell a sleep a short while later and she woke up the girls was in the room with her asleep. Selene quietly got up and left the room and headed down the hall. She knew places were closed so even if she was hungry there would be no place to get anything to eat. She saw a man standing out on the balcony looking alone and lost in his own mind. She went to back up and quietly leave. "It's okay miss you don't have to leave." He said turning around and Selene had to fight her inner self hard when she looked into his eyes. "I don't want to bother you I can go really its nothing." He smiled and held his hand out to her. "I'm Katsu and you are?" Selene took his hand and tried to give a nice smile. "I'm Selene I'm with the team Yusuke." Katsu nodded his head slightly. "You're the descent of Naku I never thought she had children. It wasn't written anywhere she had gotten married and had children." Selene smiled softly. "There are always two sides to the story." She said simply. "But I'm sure I can send you the information if you like." She said pulling out her cell phone and brought up the file to show him. It was a good thing she made sure to create a back story for all her lives and names though she made sure to keep all the images she ever had taken locked up tight or burn them. It was easier than anything else she could do for her long, long life.

Katsu seemed to read it over and nod his head. "I'm sorry I just happen to have heard story's about her that I am sure you have as well." Selene nodded her head slightly. "Yes, she swore to kill her uncle I'm sure her soul still wants him dead." Katsu chuckled softly before he smirked. "I'm sure she will either win or fail on that. Anyway, it was a pleasure to meet you and who knows maybe my team will face yours, in the end, Miss Selene and may your soul guide you to either a win or to your own death." He said walking away with a bit of a dark chuckle. "I know she is gone I am finally free." He muttered to himself as he walked away as Selene shook her head slightly before she turned away and looked up at the stars. "Guide me, grandmother and great grandfather. See me to the very end and I will get them all what their souls crave I will give them his death." She said softly not knowing that Hiei was watching and listening from the shadow's as was Kurama and Jin too. Neither one of them moved until Selene walked back into the building and headed back towards the stairs and went towards the girl's room. "I told you both she is hiding something she came to kill Katsu." Kurama looked at Hiei. "Or to kill Naku's uncle." Jin was so not listening to what the others were saying. "That lass has a lovely behind doesn't she?" Hiei and Kurama both coughed slightly before they all walked away back to their own room.

Not much happened the rest of the night or into tomorrow morning three hours after breakfast. The guys and Selene made their way towards the battleground and Selene stood out there with the boys. The first team that came out didn't want anything to do with Selene and she was able to stand back and stay calm as she watched her team take everyone out. The next day was yet another team with very little rest for her team to regain their health. This time this team made Selene come out from behind the men of her team. She walked onto the battle field and stood there looking him in the eyes. "Are you ready to die little human?" He asked her with a smirk. Selene just smiled up at him. "Are you?" Was what she said back to him where he was taken aback from it and then grew angry over the whole thing. Selene smirked as they faced each other on the battle field. They took their stance and faced off as they ran up to each other. The demon went to slash at her face and she reached up and blocked his arm. And quickly before he could do much else bend it backward and broke it. And reached up with her other hand and grabbed his throat. "Kneel." She said sternly and forcefully to the demon as she shoved him backward. "Kneel or die those are your choices." The demon ground and went after her with his other hand he was setting out to kill her. She spun around and kicked him in the chin sending his body and head flying backward.

The demon flew backward's hitting the ground hard with a loud thud. Everyone watched and waited to see if he would get up or at least start to twitch. He wasn't doing either one of those movements he was just lying there not moving. The match was called and she won that round and she turned and walked off the area. People who kept an eye on people's power level through these matches noticed that Selene's power level didn't rise and didn't lower. And people thought their machines were broken as they checked to make sure it wasn't broke and was working still. Selene looked at Jin and winked at him as she went to go get some water bottles. Selene stood off to the side when Kurama walked over to her. "What are you hiding Selene? That is if that is your real name." He said simply as Selene turned and looked at him trying to hold back the shock out of her voice and off her face too. "I don't know what your talking Kurama. Besides I'm here to help your guys team out I can walk if I choose to." Kurama shook his head slightly. "They would never let any of us off the island until after the final fight is done." Selene sighed softly. "Let me guess it's Katsu's doing?" Kurama nodded his head slightly. "Because he wants the last link to Naku to be dead and buried six feet in the ground. He is either Naku's uncle or the last blood link to him and with his death, Naku's family can finally be free." She sighed softly. "Some how I get the feeling if I lose everyone on earth is doom." She said simply before she turned and walked into the back where the others were now going. Kurama never asked her about any of this after that chat but he did tell his friend Hiei about what Selene said to him. "Still think she isn't fully telling us everything." Kurama nodded his head but that was all he said.

Every week after that was a match since a lot of the teams had a healer or healers. Yukina walked into the girl's room and went and sat down on Selene's bed. "Do you need healing?" Selene turned away from looking out the window and shook her head slightly. "No thank you Yukina." She said simply as she turned and looked out the window and sighed. "Whats wrong?" Selene stood and walked to the window and stared out of it at the ocean below. "Soon this is all going to end. And I will get my chance to take out Katsu if I am right about who he is." Yukina blinked slightly. "Oh. Like how I figured out who my brother is?" Selene laughed softly. "Yes, a connection that no one sees but you feel it. I'm sure you tortured your brother for not telling you who he is sooner?" She asked finally looking away from the window. "Yes since he hates my boyfriend." Selene laughed out right. "Good for you and you know your brother is going to torture him endlessly?" Yukina nodded her head slightly. "True." A knock sounded on the door and Yusuke poked his head in. "It's time Selene." He said before he turned around and left the room as Selene sighed softly. "Tell the guys I will be right there." Yukina nodded her head slightly before she turned and left the room. Selene walked up to her chest and opened it and pulled out two scroll's and strapped them to her waist. She closed her trunk and turned around and left the room heading down to the battle arena for the last time.

Selene and the others went back down to the battle ground and everyone took on Katsu's team and then it was the final match and Selene stood there looking at him. "Can I change our fights term's?" Katsu nodded his head slightly. "Yes, you may what is it?" Selene looked him squarely in the eyes. "Battle to the death and no holding back on our true power level?" She said with a slight twitch of her head as she waited for him to answer her. Katsu stood there thinking for a moment and chuckled softly. "Granted I hope you get a quick death human." He said simply before he went from looking human to looking like he was Hercules with cat ears and a matching tail too. "I can finally rid my self of the last link keeping me from taking the next step to getting at Ra and Bast." Selene stood there looking rather bored as she looked at him. "Yap yap yap you are still yapping in all these years." She shook her head slightly as she took her fighting stance as she looked at him. "Let's see how long you live until I finally use my full powers." Jin, Hiei, Koenma, Kurama, and everyone just looked at each other and then back at Selene. And with that Katsu growled and roared at her before he launched himself at her. Selene stepped out of the way before she swung her leg around kicking him in the stomach sending him flying out of the ring. Everyone started to crack up laughing as Selene remained in the center of the ring with a smirk on her face. "Nice try."

Katsu stood up and walked towards the ring. "Fine let's see how you like this little bitch." He said before he jumped back in the ring and slapped her so hard he sent her flying out of the ring and her head hit the ground with a loud thud. "Weak." He waited for a moment before Selene groaned as she got up rubbing the back of her head. "Cheap shot." She nearly hissed at him before Katsu jumped attacked her sending a lot of punches at her. He took a hold of her arms and broke them in his hand and left her in the center of the ring. "Don't worry little human I will kill you soon enough. But you're still holding back so let me help you with that little catch in your system should I kill a human here or a demon." He said laughing darkly. "Hmm, choices I think I will kill Keiko and her son." The look on Yusuke's face looked like if he wasn't holding his side he would kill him. Jin jumped in front of Keiko and her son. "Kill me instead." He wasn't in much better shape than the others but he could give his life for an old friend of his none the less. "If you wish." He slammed his hand into Jin's chest where his heart is and grabbed a hold of it. "Say good bye to her Jin." Jin looked at Selene. "Kill him." As Katsu ripped Jin's heart out of his chest Selene stood up and started to glow brightly. "DON'T!" as Katsu crushed Jin's heart in his hand. Katsu turned and saw Selene standing there glowing brightly causing people to step back and shield their eyes and cover their ears hearing her scream.

Selene's power level kept on rising up and up and up causing the machines to start to break down and explode until there was just blackness since it also seemed the lights went out as well too. As the lights came on they saw Selene standing there curled up on the ground before she stood up wearing the clothes of a goddess as it was all silk and yes still purple like Naku does. As Selene turned around purple cat ears and cat tail appear on her body. Selene opened her eyes revealing purple cat eyes. "So this is your true form as the final cog in the family line of Naku's she did great work too bad I can't break you in before I kill you." He stepped into the ring. Selene reared back and punched Katsu in the face so hard he flew back out of the ring. "You're still blind after all these years uncle." She noticed the confused look at Katsu's face. "My name my true name is Naku the goddess of death." She said with a rather wicked smirk on her face. "Hello, Uncle are you ready to die now?" She said before she looked down at her nails that grew out to be more like claws. Katsu growled at her before he launched himself at her and she dodged he sneered at her as she stood there laughing at him. "Come now uncle you knew this day was coming since you killed father and mother." Katsu snapped his teeth at her as he stood there looking at her.

"I should have killed you that day so long ago but I figured nature got you." He walked up to her and smirked. "You would have made a lovely bed mate if your mother had gone with the plain." He ticked at her when Naku/Selene slashed at his face with her claw's and he grabbed her hand from going anywhere near his face or other parts of his body. "Maybe I should take you now here before them all before I rip out your heart and leave you here to die hmm?" Selene sent a knee into his stomach as she jumped back and calmed her inner self. "How about I just finish this off uncle." They attacked but instead of her landing punches or her clawing at him. She grabbed a hold of his wrist and held it bent backward's and with her other hand she grabbed his throat and squeezed. "Hush." She said simply. "It's time you welcome your self into the arms of death." She said ever so sweetly right before she kissed her uncle square on the lips. Everyone around was shocked by her doing that. Katsu opened his eyes and tried to flail about as Naku was draining his life force from his body. The others stood there shocked even a bit afraid when they watched her doing this. Katsu was just barely alive when you could almost hear him whisper. "Your powers shouldn't work on me?" Selene/Naku kissed him again on the lips finishing the job.

She stood up and closed her eyes as tears fell down her face as Katsu's body turned to dust before her. "Grandmother forgive me." She said as she fell to her knee's before them all. "There is nothing to forgive little one." A heaven like voice appeared out of nowhere and everyone was shocked when two cloaked figures stepped forward and removed their hood's. They looked no older than Selene/Naku her self and the woman smiled at her. "You did what had to be done and besides the soul's of those he hurt and killed can now be free as can you." Selene sat up and wiped the tears away from her face. "What do you mean I am free as well?" The man smirked softly and knelt down before her. "Great grand child I gave you a gift so long ago you can now fully accept it and that is your mortal now." Selene blinked slightly. "How was I immortal?" Bast smiled softly. "My necklace protected you until you were ready to face your uncle. But should the demon's in this time should ever do you wrong just touch the necklace and ask for protection." Selene nodded her head slightly. "What about Jin?" She asked finally turning to look at him. "There is nothing we can do he gave his life to protect someone and you. We can offer his soul another job if he so decides to pick it. But you shouldn't worry about it too much right now." Ra looked at Hiei and Kurama. "You two will make sure she gets back safe or else." Was the last thing he said before him and Bast vanished into nothingness.

Selene stood up finally and looked at the demon's all staring at the now formal goddess of death and she feared their reaction. Everyone was clapping as they stood there looking at her. "Three cheers for the most powerful demoness ever known." And they did cheer for her she looked at Yusuke. "I'm sorry I lied and about Jin too." Yusuke nodded his head slightly. "I didn't think your lie was that bad if you ask me." Everyone after that had packed up and Jin's body was laid to rest. Hiei and Kurama escorted Selene off the island and back home. Hiei looked at her. "What are you going to do now?" Selene smiled softly at him. "Whatever the hell I want too." She bent down and kissed him on the cheek and then turned and kissed Kurama on the cheek as well too. "Thank you, both." They nodded their heads and left with Hiei slightly blushing as they went. Selene turned and looked at the old photo of herself and sighed. "Where free to be Selene or to be Naku so where do we want to be again?" She asked before she laughed softly before she turned and left for her bedroom. She didn't see the picture turn its head to watch Selene go or hear its ghostly whisper. "To find the one thing we gave up hoping for ever having."

© 2017 - 2024 Naku24
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